Government steps to secure UK supply chains
Industry leaders have welcomed the Government’s new Critical Imports and Supply Chain Strategy, safeguarding UK supplies of critical goods such as medicines, minerals and semiconductors.
In a press
Industry leaders have welcomed the Government’s new Critical Imports and Supply Chain Strategy, safeguarding UK supplies of critical goods such as medicines, minerals and semiconductors.
In a press
The Government has launched a new account on WhatsApp Channels, allowing members of the public to subscribe to receive important updates to their phones.
As a trusted, verified account the UK
The VAT Flat Rate scheme allows businesses to pay VAT as a fixed percentage of their VAT inclusive turnover. The actual percentage used depends on the type of business. The scheme has been designed to
Most gifts made during a person’s life are not subject to tax at the time of the gift. These lifetime transfers are known as ‘potentially exempt transfers’ or ‘PETs’. These gifts or transfers achieve
The marriage allowance applies to married couples and those in a civil partnership where a spouse or civil partner does not pay tax or does not pay tax above the basic rate threshold for Income Tax
It is not that long until the current 2023-24 tax year comes to an end and there are a number of year end payroll chores that must be completed. This includes sending a final PAYE submission for the
A reminder to readers that the full expensing 100% first-year capital allowance for qualifying plant and machinery assets came into effect last April. To qualify for full expensing, expenditure must
The term bed and breakfasting (sale and repurchase) of shares refers to transactions where shares are sold and bought back the next morning. This used to have Capital Gains Tax (CGT) benefits by
The beginning of a new year is an opportune time to undertake basic business planning. One aspect that needs continuous management is to protect your business capital.
The downturn in global trade
1 February 2024 – Due date for Corporation Tax payable for the year ended 30 April 2023.
19 February 2024 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 February 2024. (If you pay your tax